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National tourism year significant to Vietnam’s tourism
  • | vov | January 26, 2020 02:05 PM
Themed "Nha Trang-Colors of the Sea", the 2019 National Tourism Year ended successfully. Festival activities boosted the province’s tourism development and introduced Vietnam’s sea tourism to domestic and international tourists.


Tran Phu Road, the most famous street of the coastal city of Nha Trang (Photo:

Nearly 100 cultural, art, tourism, and sports events were held in Khanh Hoa, the host province, nationwide during the 2019 National Tourism Year.

Highlight of the 60 events held in Khanh Hoa province was the 2019 Nha Trang Sea Festival Week featuring various tourist activities, cultural and art performances, and sports competitions.

All the activities embraced the traditional and contemporary cultural values of Khanh Hoa.

Throughout the year, local businesses introduced a series of new products and services characterized by the sea and islands.

Nguyen Huy Han, Director of the Viet Asian Company in Nha Trang, said it has added 2 sea-walking routes that welcomed more than 600,000 visitors and made a record growth of 30%.

“While launching the two new places for sea-walking, we have restored the marine ecosystem to conserve the environment and create a special product for visitors to Nha Trang. The product has great potential in the future. It will become a key product in boosting sustainable sea tourism,” said Han.

To prepare for the 2019 National Tourism Year, Khanh Hoa mobilized resources to invest in socio-economic infrastructure. Many new roads in Nha Trang city and runway No. 2 of Cam Ranh International Airport were built and put into use.

To date, Khanh Hoa has nearly 800 hotels offering nearly 50,000 rooms, two-thirds of which are three or more stars. 22 international and 4 domestic airlines are operating more than 80 international routes to Cam Ranh International Airport connecting Khanh Hoa with 8 countries and territories.

Thanks to hosting the national tourism year, Khanh Hoa welcomed 7.2 million visitors, more than 3.6 million of whom were international visitors, up nearly 30%.

Tran Viet Trung, Director of the provincial Department of Tourism, said the province’s revenue from tourism increased by 25% against the previous year.

Trung said “We promoted advertising events and activities in key markets.. At the same time, tourist destinations, routes, and tourism activities and programs were improved and renewed to further promote the image of the province and increase travelers’ satisfaction. "

The activities taking place during the 2019 National Tourism Year proved Nha Trang is one of Vietnam’s top tourist destinations.

Nguyen Dac Tai, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, said“It’s necessary to renew promotional activities, and enhance links and cooperation in tourism development between Khanh Hoa and other central coastal provinces, as well as key tourism hubs throughout the nation in order to tap the potential of each region.”

Le Quang Tung, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said that the event was successful, bringing in high investment, further promoting development and and attracting more tourists.

“The national tourism year in Khanh Hoa has created a turning point for the sea and islands tourism of Khanh Hoa and Vietnam in general. Such events helped attract more foreign tourists to Vietnam’s sea and islands toward realizing the Party’s guideline on turning sea and island tourism into an spearhead economic sector,” said Tung.

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