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VND225 billion proposed for roadway expansion
  • | | August 21, 2024 06:27 AM
Hanoi Department of Transport have proposed investing VND225 billion (USD9 million) in narrowing medians and pavements on some local streets to expand the roadways.

Under the recommendation sent to the municipal people’s committee, the investment will be used to trim pavements and medians on Giang Vo, Lang Ha, Le Van Luong, To Huu, Hoang Dao Thuy, Hoang Minh Giam, and Khuat Duy Tien streets.


Traffic congestion is a thorny issue on many streets in Hanoi

These roads suffer from high traffic density and often face congestion during peak hours. Giang Vo, Lang Ha, Le Van Luong, and To Huu streets serve the BRT rapid bus route.

The work will be carried out between 2024 and 2027.

Traffic congestion is a thorny issue in Hanoi, costing the city between USD1-1.2 billion per year and making air pollution five times worse.

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