Sports & Entertainment
Whale worshipping festival held in central province
  • |, Tienphong | May 15, 2024 09:37 PM
The Nhuong Ban Whale Worshipping Festival was held on Wednesday in the central province of Ha Tinh's Cam Xuyen District, attracting thousands of visitors.

According to Chairman of Cam Nhuong Commune People's Committee Nguyen Van Hung, Nhuong Ban Whale Worshipping Festival has been held annually on the eighth of April in the Lunar Calendar since the Nguyen Dynasty.

The festival aims to worship the whale, the sea god who is believed to protect fishermen during their offshore fishing trips. It also conveys people’s wishes for favourable weather conditions and bountiful catches.

The festival has been recognised as a national intangible cultural heritage.

A boat rowing competition was held on this occasion, attracting a large number of local people and visitors.

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