Vietnam and Switzerland broaden bilateral education cooperation
  • | vov | October 26, 2023 05:02 PM
Vietnam wishes to strengthen education cooperation with Switzerland, especially in developing high quality education and increasing the exchange of education institutions between the two countries.

Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai and State Secretary of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Dominique Paravicini, during their meeting in Hanoi on October 26. (Photo: VGP)

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai was speaking at a reception in Hanoi on October 26 for State Secretary of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Dominique Paravicini, who is in Hanoi for the second OECD Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum.

He expected that Switzerland would help to deploy joint training programmes in industries of its strengths, especially in pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, precision mechanics, tourism, finance-banking and insurance. He also proposed that Switzerland increase the number of scholarships granted to Vietnamese students to study in its institutions.

Khai said political and diplomatic relations between the two countries have been strengthened in recent times that should be maintained to increase political trust and expand cooperation.

He thanked Switzerland for providing development aid, especially ODA, for Vietnam’s poverty reduction and urban development. He proposed that both countries work closely to effectively implement Switzerland’s US$76 million grant for the development of the private economic sector for 2021-2024.

He assured his guest that the government of Vietnam will create the best possible conditions for Swiss firms to do business effectively and expand operations in the long term in the country, especially in the areas of finance-banking, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and high technology.

According to Khai, Vietnam wishes to end negotiations on a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). It therefore expects that Switzerland, an important member of the EFTA, will help speed up negotiations towards signing the deal soon.

Paravicini for his part briefed his host on the results of his working sessions with relevant Vietnamese agencies, and affirmed that in its foreign policy Switzerland wants to befriend all countries and develop economic-trade relations as a good foundation for building political cooperation.

He valued Vietnam’s improved investment environment and said Swiss businesses are keen to invest in the Southeast Asian nation. He expressed belief that more Swiss businesses would come to Vietnam and more high-end products from Vietnam would make inroads into the Swiss market.

Both Switzerland and Vietnam still have a lot of room to further enhance their cooperation in the coming time, he said.

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