Beautiful Vietnam » Travel
Sapa cultural tourism week opens
  • |, Danviet | September 21, 2023 01:49 PM
Sapa’s cultural tourism week opened on Wednesday evening in the northern province of Lao Cai to mark the town’s 120th anniversary.

At the opening ceremony, visitors enjoyed the Diem Hen (Rendezvous) and Vu Dieu Duoi Trang (The Dance Under Moonlight) art shows with the participation of 300 local ethnic people.


Sapa’s cultural tourism week

The performances featured the cultural identity of Sapa through the images of Sapa Love Market and traditional musical instruments such as harmonica, flutes and Jewish Harp.

The cultural tourism week scheduled to last until September 30 will include activities, including a tourism exploration programme, an international marathon, an exhibition of agricultural products and One Commune-One Product (OCOP) showcase, a full moon festival night, and a dance sports festival.

Nguyen Thi Minh, a visitor from Hanoi, said she was impressed by the opening ceremony and the Dance Under Moonlight performance.

Hotels in Sapa are providing special promotions during the tourism week.

Tourists to Sapa have been on the rise and the locality is expected to attract 3.5 million visitors this year.

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