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PM Chinh greets Lao Party General Secretary and President
  • | VOV | July 26, 2024 12:36 PM
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith and his wife on July 26, with the pair in Hanoi to attend the state funeral of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith

The meeting saw PM Chinh express gratitude to the Party, State, and people of Laos in general, as well as to General Secretary Sisoulith and his spouse in particular, for their condolences given to the Party, State, and people of Vietnam over the passing of General Secretary Trong. In particular, a two-day national mourning in Laos has been given for the Vietnamese leader which reflects the special relations that exist between the two countries.

During General Secretary Trong’s life, he always paid close attention to preserving, constantly consolidating, and developing the special traditional relationship between the nation and Laos, the Vietnamese Government leader told his guest.

PM Chinh also thanked General Secretary Sisoulith’s wife for her touching letter to the wife of the deceased Vietnamese leader.

On behalf of the Party, State, and people of Laos, the Lao leader expressed his deepest commiserations to the Party, State, and people of Vietnam, as well as to the family of the Vietnamese Party chief.

The Lao General Secretary noted that the passing of the Vietnamese leader represents a great loss to not only the Party, State, and people of Vietnam, but also to Laotian counterparts. The Laotian Party, State, and people have lost a very close comrade and a huge friend, he stressed.

Laos always remembers the great, important, and valuable contributions made by General Secretary Trong in consolidating and nurturing the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive ties which exist between the two countries' Parties, States, and people over recent time.

The Lao leader hailed the Vietnamese Party late leader’s role in leading the Vietnamese people to many great achievements for the cause of Doi Moi (Renewal), building and developing the country, as well as enhancing the nation’s role and position in the regional and international arenas.

The meeting saw PM Chinh congratulate Laos on its recent achievements, affirming that the Party, State, and people of Vietnam always give strong and comprehensive support for Laos's cause of innovation, national defence, and construction. He outlined his belief that the LPRP, under the leadership of General Secretary Sisoulith, will successfully carry out the Resolution of the 11th National Party Congress and fulfill important international responsibilities in the remainder of the year.

Regarding orientations for strengthening bilateral ties in the time ahead, the two sides consented to move forward with closer co-ordination to effectively implement the high-level agreements of the two countries, the results of the 46th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Intergovernmental Committee, and the outcomes of the State visit to Laos by President To Lam.

The two sides will also strive to intensify the exchange of delegations at all levels, bolster defence and security co-operation as important pillars; continue to consolidate the legal foundation to deepen collaboration; augment effective economic, trade, and investment ties; and offer more favourable conditions for businesses of both sides to invest and do business in each nation. This is along with focusing on removing obstacles to important projects; continuing to focus on co-operation in education, culture, tourism, banking, and labour; and promoting people-to-people exchanges.

They agreed to continue to regularly exchange experience, closely work together and support each other at regional and international forums, especially through ASEAN, the UN, and sub-regional co-operation mechanisms.

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