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Ill couple receives help from readers
  • | | May 27, 2019 01:51 PM
An ill couple in Ha Tinh Province have been able to afford medical treatment thanks to Dantri's readers.


Le Thi Lien receives the donation

Representatives of Dantri and the authorities in Thach Ban Commune visited and transferred VND53,120,000 (USD2,200) to the family of Le Thi Lien on May 25.

Lien said when she was pregnant with the third child, she often had headache and nausea, sometimes, she fainted. She was diagnosed with ventriculomegaly at Ha Tinh General Hospital and was transferred to Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi for urgent surgery.

Lien's family had to sell everything and put the house up as collateral for VND200m. Both Lien and the child were saved but Lien lost the ability to work afterwards. Unfortunately, 10 months ago, Lien's husband was diagnosed with a detached retina and uveitis. Lien continued borrowing money and her children couldn't go to school.

Lien said she had received a lot of support after the story was published. Lien's husband has gone through two operations.

"My doctor said I might have brain atrophy but my children are still healthy," she said. "The doctors can only save one of my husband's eyes. The cost for the operation is VND120m and the chance for success is 70%. He is still being monitored."

Nguyen Thi Huong, chairwoman of the Red Cross Organisation in Thach Ban Commune, also thanked readers that helped Lien's family. "I want to thank everyone and Dantri's charity work to help connect the needy with kind donors," she said.

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