News » Vietnam
Buddha's birthday celebrated with thousands of lanterns
  • | | May 20, 2024 11:20 AM
Thousands of people gathered at the Phap Hoa Pagoda in HCM City on Sunday evening to celebrate the Buddha's 2,568th birthday.

Various ceremonies and rituals were organised at the event, including lanterns floating on the Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe Canal.

Buddhists waited nearly an hour to receive a lantern to participate in the ceremony.

People wrote their wishes on the lanterns before floating them on the canal.

A lantern carrying some wishes including health and peace for parents, good luck and good income for the whole family.

Tran Kim Chi said this was the first time she and her sister had participated in this ceremony. "I'm thrilled to be here to celebrate the Buddha's birthday this year and pray for good luck for my family and everyone," she said. "I find this a significant event."

Volunteers were assigned to help people float their lanterns on the canal to avoid congestion.

Thousands of people gathered on the two sides of the canal to watch the colourful floating lanterns.

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