Sports & Entertainment
Horse racing in northwest resumed after decades
  • | VNA | June 22, 2019 09:05 AM
The first Fansipan horse racing kicked off in Sa Pa town of the northern province of Lao Cai on June 21, aiming to make the traditional sport activity in the north-western region a draw to visitors to the province.

Horse riders compete at the race (Photo: VNA)

The three-day race draws the most 17 outstanding competitors in this year’s Bac Ha horse racing event, featuring local horses and farmers as their riders.

The traditional horse race in Lao Cai’s Bac Ha district resumed in 2007 after a long period of cessation. Bac Ha's horses are considered the most beautiful horse breed in Vietnam.

Prizes will be awarded to three winning horses of each competition day, with the first prize worth 3 million VND (about 130 USD).

Director of Sun World Fansipan Legend tourism site Nguyen Xuan Chien said the race will be held annually for conservation of culture and sport product of the locality.

A number of side activities are arranged in the event, as visitors can take photos or ride the horses.

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