A box has been placed in front of the restaurant on Le Van Viet Street, containing food and drinks cards which people can pick up and bring inside to take free meals.
According to the restaurant owner, Huynh Tan Minh, they wanted to follow the suspended coffee model used abroad and offer paid meals for people in need.
"I started this project two months ago," Minh said. "During the first days, I put meal boxes in a large box placed in front of the restaurant so that people could come to eat. But later I've decided to place cards and people will bring them inside to take the newly-prepared meals which ensure better quality. Customers at my restaurant can offer to pay for these suspended meals."
The restaurant owner said the meals at his restaurant are priced from VND30,000, but donors can pay VND20,000 to offer a suspended meal. The restaurant also offers free mineral water and tea.
Coming to take a suspended meal, Nguyen Hoang Em, 68, said that he lost one leg but still had to use a wheelchair to sell lottery tickets to make a living, and he was very moved to receive free meals and drinks from the restaurant and kind donors.
"I earn a very modest income every day," the elderly man said. "So this is very meaningful to poor people like me. I'm very grateful for the restaurant and all the kind donors."