Nghe An woman receives VND200 million to support two ill children
  • | | January 24, 2024 08:01 PM
A poor woman in the central province of Nghe An has received nearly VND200 million in donations after her story was shared on Dantri/Dtinews.

Lu Thi Phuong receives financial support from Dantri's readers.

Representatives from Dantri and local authorities visited Lu Thi Phuong in Ky Son District and transferred over VND170 million that readers sent to the newspaper's charity fund to support her.

Phuong, 37, is living with two children who are both suffering from serious diseases.

Her eldest son Cut Viet Quan, 15, has suffered from cerebral palsy while her second son Cut Dinh Doi, 12, is in the final stage of nasopharyngeal cancer.

Phuong and her two children.

Due to financial difficulties, the family has recently been unable to continue treatment for Doi. They had to bring Doi home and treat him with herbal medicine and painkillers.

After their story was published in the newspaper, many readers sent money to support them.

"Besides this VND170 million, I've also received some more which people sent to my bank account," Phuong said. "So far we've received nearly VND200 million from kind donors. This is the biggest amount of money I've had in my life. I want to send my sincere thanks to all the donors for your help."

The poor woman shared that she had taken Doi back to the hospital again thanks to the donations, but doctors said that his condition had become untreatable.

"I had no other option but to bring him back home again," she said in tears. "Now his life can only be counted in days. Now I can only hope that he can stay with us as long as possible."

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