Ca Mau households illegally keep wild animals
  • | VNS | January 12, 2013 09:31 AM
Thousands of rare animals have been discovered being illegally kept captive in more than 300 households in southern Ca Mau Province.
 Local authority inspections over one month found over 5,000 crocodiles.
Local authority inspections over one month found over 5,000 crocodiles and over 7,000 ferrets, lizards, wild boars, snakes and turtles.

People were holding the animals in simple ponds and cages in their homes as a way of attracting income by selling them on to hotels and restaurants.

In 2000, the provincial People's Committee issued a ban on trading, hunting and transporting all wildlife animals. Households wanting to raise crocodiles must register with the authorities and ensure the enclosures meet safety standards.

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