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Northern region to struggle with widespread rain
  • |, Tienphong | July 01, 2024 04:36 PM
Northern localities would face rain from this evening, July 1, with strong winds, lightning and hail.

According to the National Centre for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting, rain would further spread from the evening of July 2 with mountainous areas affected the most.


The northern region to face rain in some days to come

The rainy front would last until July 4.

Northeastern localities would have the temperature of 35-37 degrees on Monday. On Tuesday, the temperature would slightly fall.

On July 5-7, the northern region would continue witnessing rain in some areas.

Meanwhile, the central region is struggling with the hot weather with the temperature of 35-38 degrees. The heatwave in the region would gradually ease from July 3.

The Central Highlands and southern regions have been forecasted to see rain with strong winds on July 2-10.

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