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Rare bird found at HCM City house
  • |, VietnamNet | May 15, 2024 10:06 PM
A wreathed hornbill found flying at a house in HCM City was handed over to the city's Forest Protection Department on Wednesday.

The 1.2-kilo male bird was discovered at Huynh Thi Lien's house in Xuan Thoi Thuong Commune in Hoc Mon District on May 12.


The wreathed hornbill found at a house in HCM City on May 12: Photo by N.K

Lien noticed it was a rare bird with a distinctively large beak she had never seen before. She then captured it and contacted the local Forest Protection Department.

The wreathed hornbill belongs to the IB group, a list of endangered and rare species prioritised for protection following the Vietnamese government's Decree 84/2021/ND-CP.

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