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Vietnam seeks advice from WB on high-tech industry: PM
  • | VNA | June 06, 2019 10:05 AM
Vietnam is developing its industry toward applying advanced technologies and wants to get consultancy from the World Bank (WB) on the matter, said Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and WB Country Director for Vietnam Ousmane Dione (Photo: VNA)

PM Phuc made the statement while receiving WB Country Director for Vietnam Ousmane Dione in Hanoi on June 5.

The Government leader affirmed Vietnam has strong and effective collaboration with large financial institutions worldwide, including the WB.

He informed his guest that the country recorded robust economic growth and improved living standards last year amid global complexities.

For his part, Ousmane congratulated Vietnam on positive achievements it has obtained despite significant economic fluctuations in the world.

He thanked the Government for cooperation with and support for the WB in implementing joint projects in Vietnam, adding those that used non-preferential loans from the bank’s International Development Association have been submitted to the WB leader.

The official noted that 2020 is the last fiscal year for Vietnam to employ the loans and that the WB and Vietnamese ministries and sectors have reached an agreement to carry out five key projects for the period. He hoped for the Government’s coordination in implementing these projects.

Ousmane said the WB appreciates Vietnam’s attendance at and contribution to its recent Spring Meetings, adding that it reflected Vietnam’s role in its cooperation with the financial institution.

He also presented to his host the latest WB reports on Vietnam’s socio-economic issues. He said the WB Vietnam office is preparing important reports to assess its cooperation with Vietnam over the past 25 years and set out future orientations.

Appreciating such efforts from the WB, Phuc said he will assign ministries and sectors to study its reports and chair meetings with relevant agencies to make specific decisions on suggested projects. He said he will join the WB in marking the upcoming 25th anniversary of Vietnam-WB cooperation.

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