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Australia's Swinburne launches new degree in Vietnam
  • | | August 20, 2010 09:16 PM

The Master of Commerce (Human Resource Management) will be taught at Ho Chi Minh City Open University (HCMCOU) by staff from Melbourne’s Swinburne University of Technology as the two sides launched a new business degree today in Ho Chi Minh City.

This new degree will complement the existing programs currently offered by the two universities.

In December 2009, Swinburne signed a Collaborative Articulation Program agreement with HCMOU. Under the partnership, Vietnamese students complete two years of an undergraduate program at HCMCOU and continue their studies for a further two years at Swinburne to obtain two qualifications.

According to Swinburne’s Faculty of Business and Enterprise Acting Associate Dean (International) Ian McCormick, HCMCOU\'s entrepreneurial spirit is a perfect match for Swinburne\'s business offerings.

“Swinburne has been running business programs in Vietnam for 13 years now and we are seeing a growing demand for softer skills, such as human resource management,” McCormick said.

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