News » Vietnam
Tree falls at Gia Lai forest, killing tourist
  • |, NLD | July 03, 2024 06:42 PM
A tree fell in a forest in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai, killing one female tourist on Wednesday morning.

Reports from Kbang District Police Department showed that the accident occurred when the 55-year-old woman, her 64-year-old husband and a group of friends from the northern province of Ha Nam were visiting the K50 Waterfall at Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve in Kbang District.


The woman is taken to hospital after being hit by a falling tree in Gia Lai Province on July 3

They hired some motorbike taxi drivers to take them to the site. And when she was travelling with her driver through a forest path, a tree fell and hit her in the head, shattering the helmet she was wearing.

Despite being quickly taken to hospital, she died before arriving there.

K50 Waterfall, or Hang En Waterfall, is a famous tourist site in Gia Lai. It is surrounded by picturesque forests with diverse ecosystems and beautiful landscapes.

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