News » Vietnam
Restrictive draft decree offers little opportunity for cross-border vehicle travel
  • | VEF, dtinews | December 13, 2012 02:10 PM

Foreign tourists can bring their autos and motorbikes to Vietnam as a means of transport, according to a Ministry of Transport draft decree.


However, the draft decree on the management of the vehicles used by foreign travellers stipulates that foreign tourists are permitted to stay in Vietnam for no more than 30 days, with a maximum extension of 10 days. The regulation applies to vehicles with less than nine seats and for some reason, only with left-hand steering.

The tourists must come to the country in groups organised by travel firms.

The visitors must have certificates for technical safety and environmental protection, registration as well as civil insurance for their vehicles, and are obviously required to show their driving license.

When participating in Vietnam’s road traffic, the visitors must obey Vietnam’s current traffic laws, go in groups and follow the approved travel routes. They are also guided by a tourist company vehicle.

Travel companies have to inform the Ministry of Transport of foreign tourists who will drive the vehicle, people who go with them and specific details about their vehicle such as type, colour and number plate. Within five days, the Ministry of Transport will appraise the procedures for approval.

Under the ministry’s proposal, the decree will take effect from January 1, 2013.

According to the ministry, several road tourism services such as auto and motorbike self-drives across ASEAN countries, including Vietnam have developed. Therefore, the decree would help to develop the country’s tourism sector.

Vietnam issued Decree 80 in 2009 to permit foreigners to take right-hand drive vehicles into the country.

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