  1. Beautiful Vietnam

​D​alat proposes to put 10 public villas for rent

​Authorities in the tourist city of Dalat have proposed to rent out 10 public villas on short term contracts.

​D​alat proposes to put 10 public villas for rent - 1

​The villa at 7 Tr​an H​ung ​Dao​ Street can be rented out at​ over VND117 ​million a month​.

According to a proposal sent to the Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee, Dalat City People's Committee said that they want to rent out 10 among 21 villas on short-term contracts while waiting for bidding guidelines.

​The rentals will range between​ VND8​-123​ million per month.

​At present, the city authorities are managing 21 villas which were built ​in the 1920s-1930s by French colonists​. However, many of them have severely deteriorated with time.

​D​alat proposes to put 10 public villas for rent - 2

An old villa in Dalat City.

​The villa at 7 Tr​an H​ung ​Dao​ Street is proposed to be rented out at​ over VND117 ​million a month and the one at 5 Tr​an Qu​oc To​an​ Street VND123 ​million a month​.

Source: Dtinews
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