Hanoi to send more teachers to Australia for training
  • |, Danviet | December 01, 2023 01:18 PM
Hanoi will send 56 more teachers with an IELTS score of 6.5 to go train at an Australian university for 14 days in December.

Hanoi will send 56 more teachers with an IELTS score of 6.5 to go train at an Australian university for 14 days in December.

The municipal people’s committee said the teachers will take a two-week course from December 4-12 at Macquarie University to improve their English-teaching skills.

Fees for the training course would be covered by the national budget reserved for training government workers and officials of Hanoi People’s Committee.

Last year, 200 teachers went to Australia for the same programme.

Hanoi aims for half of its teachers to have IELTS listening and speaking scores of at least 6.5 by 2025, and for half of its maths and science teachers to be able to use English to teach students.

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