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Dantri Newspaper visits Lao Cai flood hit residents

A delegation from Dantri Newspaper visited Lao Cai Province, bringing food and essential goods to residents who have been largely isolated by the recent flash floods and landslides.

A delegation from Dantri Newspaper visited the northern mountainous province of Lao Cai's Bao Yen District on Tuesday, bringing food and essential goods to residents who have been largely isolated by the recent flash floods and landslides.

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Residents in Viet Tien Commune's Tan Ben Village receive donations from Dantri Newspaper on September 17

After a 12-hour trip from Hanoi, through muddy mountainous roads which had been badly damaged by flash floods and landslides, the Dantri delegation arrived at the headquarters of Viet Tien Commune People's Committee at 9.30 pm on September 17.

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There was no electricity and it was dark everywhere. However, the area was crowded with excited residents who said that they had been waiting for many hours to receive the donations.

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More than 90 households from Tan Ben Village were given rice, medicine, solar light bulbs, power generators, among other essential goods.

A local resident, Ly Thi Giang, said that her family had been living without electricity for the past week since the area was ravaged by widespread landslides on September 10.

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"We've been living in fear as all the roads have been damaged or blocked by flash floods and landslides," Giang said. "Parts of our house have also been damaged. Luckily local authorities and donors have been providing us with food and basic necessities."

The same day, Dantri also brought food and some essential goods to 130 households in Gia Thuong Village, which suffered the worst flooding in Viet Tien Commune.

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Residents in Gia Thuong Village receive the donations

Head of Gia Thuong Village, Phung Van Phu, said that the serious flooding has caused three deaths and ruined four houses.

"Our lives have been badly affected by the flooding," he said. "Thank you so much for your support."

Dantri provided 3.2 tonnes of rice, two power generators, 220 solar light bulbs, as well as medicine and medical equipment, cooking oil, and salt to 227 households in the two villages. The newspaper also visited the three most-hit families and gave them financial donations of VND5 million each.

Speaking with Dantri, Chairman of Viet Tien Commune People's Committee, Bui Trinh Hai, said that 100 percent of households in the two villages had been isolated by flooding and landslides, which also buried 10 houses and damaged all the crops.

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Chairman of Viet Tien Commune People's Committee, Bui Trinh Hai (left), shares about the flooding and landslide situation in his area

"We've just managed to repair the only road to the commune," he said. "Thank you so much for your valuable support to local residents."

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Giao Hang Tiet Kiem Company offers to transport Dantri's donated goods to Lao Cai for free.

The medicine and medical equipment was donated by CEO of WinnGroup Company, Nguyen Thi Huong. And the three power generators were donated by the Thien Phu Electronics Company.