Lack of enforcement makes mockery of new smoking ban
  • By Hoang Lam | | May 06, 2013 04:43 PM
 >>  Vietnam to apply stricter regulation on smokers
 >>  Vietnam adopts shocking pictures to discourage smokers
The Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harm took effect on May 1. However, many localities, including the northern central province of Nghe An Province still suffer from a lack of implementation.


No warning to underage smokers at cigarettes sale points in Vinh City 

The regulation already bans smoking in several public places, including hospitals and medical stations. However, smoking is still common at several medical stations in Nghe An.

Most of smokers were young and middle-aged men.


Freely smoking at Nghe An General Friendship Hospital

Patients and their relatives as well as some guards freely smoked along Nghe An General Friendship Hospital's corridors.

The same situation was recorded at several other medical stations in the province, including Nghe An Pediatrics Hospital. Several people were still smoking around the hospital’s precinct.


Smoking in a waiting area at Nghe An Pediatrics Hospital 


People smoking along hospital corridors

While the law bans cigarette sale to underage citizens and sets fines for violators at from VND500,000-VND2 million (USD23.87-USD95.5), people seem to still ignore the regulation.

“I sell cigarettes and tea to earn some more money. It’s really difficult to identify who are underage,” Oanh, owner of a tea stand along Ngu Hai Street in Vinh City said.


Guards at the hospital still smoking

Cigarettes sale points are rather common in the city and local authorities find it difficult to supervise due to the lack of staff.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Mai Chien Thang, Deputy Director of Vinh City’s police said, “It’s really difficult to define underage smokers right now. It would be more feasible to assign to task to local police.”


Free smoking guards

Duong Minh Ha, Chairman of People’s Committee in Vinh City’s Hong Son Ward, said it’s possible to mange staff but rather difficult to supervise people in the community before working out effective solutions.

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