US launches expanded support for disabled people in Bac Lieu
  • | | March 15, 2024 02:51 PM
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) partnered with the Bac Lieu People’s Committee to launch USAID’s persons with disabilities programme in the southern province on Thursday.

Speaking at the event, USAID/Vietnam Mission Director, Aler Grubbs, said that the programme shows the two countries’ shared priorities and their support for a strong, resilient, prosperous, independent Vietnam.

USAID is launching its Disabilities Rights Enforcement, Coordination, and Therapies project in Bac Lieu. The project supports the enforcement of disability laws, expansion of rehabilitation services and livelihood support to persons with disabilities, and improvement in early childhood disability detection. The USD1.15 million project is implemented by USAID partner, Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped, and runs from 2023 to October 2025.

The US Government through USAID has contributed more than USD155 million in assistance to persons with disabilities in Vietnam so far.

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