More Peace Corps volunteers arrive in Vietnam
  • | | October 24, 2023 04:04 PM
The second cohort of US Peace Corps volunteers have arrived in Hanoi to further support the local education sector in English training.

Starting in January 2024, the volunteers will work alongside teachers in HCM City to co-teach English classes.

“The geographic expansion of the programme to HCM City aligns with the international agreement enacted by the two countries and heralds continued good will as Peace Corps builds relationships and trust with our partners.”, said Mikel Herrington, Peace Corps Vietnam Country Director. “During and after their service, the volunteers will share their appreciation for the Vietnamese people with friends and family at home.”

For the next 10 weeks, the volunteers will participate in extensive training to strengthen the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to the local context and work effectively in Vietnam’s educational system. They will attend Vietnamese language classes, sessions on Teaching English as a Foreign Language, gain familiarity with the school context, and practice co-teaching models with local teachers. Only volunteers who successfully complete the training program will be sworn-in on December 28 and officially start their service afterwards.

The arrival of this new cohort of volunteers comes following a joint congratulations by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and US President Biden on the launch of Peace Corps in Vietnam, as outlined in the Joint Statement on Elevating United States-Vietnam Relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. 

Currently, Peace Corps has nine volunteers serving in Hanoi.

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