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Storm 4 to cause torrential rain in central Vietnam
  • | | September 18, 2024 12:23 PM
A tropical depression has been forecasted to develop into a storm in the East Sea which would bring heavy rain to the central region of Vietnam.

By 6 am today, September 18, the centre of the tropical depression was around 230 kilometres to the East of the Paracel Islands.

The tropical depression would turn into a storm, the fourth in the East Sea today. It is moving quickly towards the central region of Vietnam, concentrating in localities from Quang Binh to Danang. The region would see the highest rainfall of up to 500 mm.

By 4 am on Thursday, the eye of the tropical depression would be 340 kilometrs from east-southeast of localities from Quang Binh to Danang with wind power of 15-20km/hour.

One day later, it would hit the coastal areas of localities from Quang Binh to Danang.

Between 48-72 hours to come, the storm would move west-northwest at a speed of 10-15km/hour and weaken into a low-pressure area in the central region of Laos.

Due to the impact of the storm, the central region of Vietnam would witness intense rain with a rainfall of up to 500mm. Meanwhile, the Central Highlands and southern regions would see highest rainfall of 80mm.

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