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Frost covers Fansipan Mountain
  • | | November 20, 2023 10:46 AM
Mount Fansipan in the northern province of Lao Cai saw thick frost as temperatures plunged to zero degrees Celsius early on Monday morning.

Frost appears int the Fansipan Mountain on November 20.

Deputy director of Lao Cai Provincial Department of Culture and Sports, Tran Son Binh told Dantri/Dtinews on Monday morning that this was the first time frost appeared in the area this winter.

"The frost was seen covering plants in the area in the early morning," Binh said.

The northern region of Vietnam has experienced a strong cold spell which is forecasted to last some more days with temperatures in the northern areas continuing to fall.

Some more photos of the plants covered in thick frost taken early Monday morning by staff members operating the Fansipan cable cars:

Photos by Lao Cai Portal

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