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Hanoi metro project blamed for house damage
  • | | August 20, 2022 04:17 PM
People living near an underground station of the Nhon-Hanoi Station Metro Project in Hanoi have complained about the appearance of cracks in their houses following the station’s construction.

Since the construction of the Station 9, the house of Nguyen Thi Bich at 431 Kim Ma Street started to subside, tilt and show cracks.

"The cracks started to appear on the walls from 2019," Bich said. "More cracks have been seen on both the walls and pillars, especially in the basement, which now can only be used as a store."

The house owner said that she has reported the situation to the project contractor who sent a team to inspect the house every week.

"The inspection team concluded that my house was in serious and dangerous condition," she said. "They've invited me to meet with concerned agencies and offered to pay compensation for the damage but I haven’t agreed with their offer."

A representative from Ngoc Khanh Ward People's Committee told Dantri/Dtinews that they received complaints about damage to their homes from two households at 431 and 433 Kim Ma Street.

"A section of the Nhon-Hanoi Station Metro project running through Ngoc Khanh Ward has affected some surrounding houses and works," the committee said. " We’ve invited the investor and contractor to visit the houses, assess the damage and discuss with the owners about compensation. The house at 431 Kim Ma was most affected while other works experienced lighter damage which has been properly fixed."


Meanwhile, house 15 in Lane 51, Quoc Tu Giam Street where the Station 11 runs through also tilts and has seen serious cracks.

The house owner, Le Huu Da, 81, said that since April 2021, the investor had given him VND 5 million a month to rent a new place but the support only lasted for five months.

"We've returned to our house but live in constant fear as it may collapse at any time," he said. "I had to fix it many times but the damage is becoming more serious."

The 12.5-kilometre metro route links the Nhon area in Nam Tu Liem District and Hanoi Station in Dong Da District, including 8.5 kilometres of elevated and four kilometres underground. The project has 10 trains imported from France. Each train with four carriages can transport up to 1,124 people.

Hanoi planned to put metro into operation by late 2022. However, the construction pace has been slowed down due to Covid-19.

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