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Hanoi metro project acceptance report approved
  • | | October 30, 2021 02:31 PM
The State Inspection Council has agreed on the acceptance report for the Hanoi-based Cat Linh – Ha Dong urban railway project and the line is expected to be put into operation soon.

The State Inspection Council has agreed on the acceptance for the Hanoi-based Cat Linh – Ha Dong urban railway project

Speaking at a meeting held on October 29 by the Ministry of Transport and the State Inspection Council, Minister of Construction, Nguyen Thanh Nghi, who is Chairman of the State Inspection Council announced the agreement and asked the project investor to closely co-operate with Hanoi authorities and concerned agencies to ensure legal issues and safe operations of the line.

At the meeting, CEO of the Hanoi Metro Co. Ltd., Vu Hong Truong, said that they are ready to operate the project and have sent reports to the Hanoi People's Committee on the plan for the first phase of the project's operation.

So far, 13 trains have received technical safety and environmental protection certificates from the Vietnam Register and a certificate from the Vietnam Fire and Rescue Police Department. They have also been put into trial runs since last December.

Invested by the Transport Ministry, the Cat Linh – Ha Dong metro line runs over 13 kilometres with 12 elevated stations from Cat Linh Ward in Dong Da District to Yen Nghia Ward in Ha Dong District.

The line has 13 trains and each has four carriages capable of carrying over 900 passengers. The trains have a design speed of 80 kilometres per hour but the commercial run’s speed would be capped at an average of 35 kilometres per hour. The project has a total investment of USD 886 million.

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