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PM asks for WB’s support in economic restructuring
  • | VGP | March 24, 2017 08:23 AM
PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc asked the World Bank (WB) to support Vietnam in stabilizing macroeconomy and taking economic restructuring measures in the restructuring of public investment,  State-owned enterprises and the banking system.

Photo: VGP

Receiving WB Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kristalina I. Georgieva in Hanoi on the morning of March 23, the PM congratulated the guest on being appointed as the CEO of the WB and wished her success in the new position.

He expressed his delight at the growing cooperation between Vietnam and the WB, while speaking highly of the institution’s role in facilitating Vietnam’s socio-economic development, particularly in poverty reduction.

Vietnam has finalized the building of strategic directions for socio-economic development, with the top goals of stabilizing the macroeconomy, promoting the implementation of strategic breakthroughs, restructuring the economy associated with shifting the growth model, ensuring social security, proactively combating climate change and striving for an average growth of 6.5-7% in 2016-2020, the government leader said.

He appreciated the WB for basically finalizing the draft Vietnam-WB Country Partnership Framework (CPF) in 2017-2022, adding that Vietnamese agencies would continue working with the WB to soon complete this important document.

In addition to the International Development Association (IDA) capital, PM Phuc asked for the WB’s enhanced support for Vietnam from other organizations of the WB Group, such asIBRD, MIGA, IFC, in order to maximize the efficiency of the support for the country.

For her part, Georgieva noted that Vietnam’s success came as a result of good policies. She thanked the government and agencies of Vietnam for their close cooperation with the WB, asking the two sides to uphold this spirit in the future.

The WB CEO asked the Vietnamese government to continue directing the timely distribution of the WB-funded resources for projects in order to avoid interruption during the implementation process.

Georgieva said she would assign the WB Country Director in Vietnam to work closely with the country’s authorized agencies to resolve any arising problems.

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