News » Vietnam
Northern region struggles with more rain
  • | | August 24, 2024 09:42 AM
The northern region of Vietnam is experiencing more rain with the highest rainfall of up to 200mm.

According to the National Centre for Hydrometeorological Forecasting, heavy rain has struck northeastern localities and Hoa Binh Province with rainfall ranging from 50-100 mm. Some areas have recorded rainfall of 200mm.


The northern region of Vietnam is facing more rain

The rain would last until Monday, Aug 25.

Nonwestern localities and the northern central province of Thanh Hoa are also facing rainy weather.

From the afternoon of August 25, rain would gradually decrease in the northern region.

Hanoi would see the temperate of 24-30 degrees Celsius during the weekend.

The torrential rain over recent days has caused flooding for some northern localities, including Thai Nguyen and Cao Bang provinces.


The severe flooding in Cao Bang

In Cao Bang, landslides have ravaged many roads, including National Highway 3, Road 202 and HCM City Road. Ha Quang Districts has been hardest hit with many areas put around 50cm under water.

Meanwhile, Thanh Hoa Province has declared an emergency due to severe erosion at a sea dyke in Hoang Hoa District. The erosion has damaged a 1.6-km section of the dyke.

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