Contaminated water suspected of causing health problems for Nghe An residents
  • |, Tien Phong | September 27, 2024 01:31 PM

Nearly 60 people at an apartment complex in the central province of Nghe An have developed health problems after using tap water between September 25-26.

A report released on September 27 by the Nghe An Provincial Health Department showed that since midday on September 25, 59 residents at Golden City 3 apartment complex in Vinh City started showing symptoms such as stomachache, diarrhea, and nausea. Most of them treated themselves at home while four others went to hospital and their conditions have all improved.


Golden City 3 apartment complex

According to local residents, in recent days, the tap water at the apartment complex has seen a slight colour change and an unpleasant smell. Many people have bought bottled water for using and only those who are using tap water have developed health problems.

The area experienced flooding on September 23.

Following reports from the residents, Vinh City’s Health Centre in Nghe An arrived to take the tap water samples at the complex for testing on September 26.


Staff members at Vinh City’s Health Centre take the tap water samples at the complex for testing on September 26.

The residents have been advised to temporarily stop using the tap water and switch to buying bottled water for their daily use instead while waiting for the test results.

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