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Vice President Xuan attends first ASEAN Veteran Business Forum

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan attended the opening ceremony of the first ASEAN Veteran Business Forum on October 25 in Hanoi.

Vice President Xuan attends first ASEAN Veteran Business Forum - 1

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan at the event

In her speech, the VP said that ASEAN is a common home of 10 members with diverse political regimes, cultures, languages, and development levels, but it was closely connected with each other for the common goal of promoting co-operation and sustainable development among member countries, thereby contributing to peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and around the world as a whole.

After nearly 60 years of formation and development, the bloc has become one of the most comprehensive, dynamic, and successfully developing regional co-operation organisations. Indeed, it is the fifth largest economy in the world, accounting for about 8.6% of the population, 3.4% of GDP, and 7.5% of total global trade value.

In that process, the establishment of the Veteran Confederation of ASEAN Countries (VECONAC) nearly 44 years ago represented an important milestone to strengthen ties between veteran organisations of member countries, striving for the benefit of veterans and their families, while also contributing to the cause of national development.

Over the past four decades of development, the confederation has demonstrated solidarity, shared a common voice, implemented the Declaration and Charter, and gradually raised the position of the ground in the region. It has been recognized by ASEAN as a social and humanitarian organisation within the bloc’s organizational structure and has received attention and recognition from the Governments and people of various ASEAN member states.

The forum is being held at a time when the region is facing great opportunities and many challenges from the international and regional situation. The development of Industry 4.0, along with trends of digital transformation, green transformation, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation, are all posing new requirements for the ASEAN business community.

In that context, the VP expressed great appreciation for the establishment of the VECONAC Business Forum Committee, which not only opens up opportunities for economic exchanges and collaboration between enterprises and veteran entrepreneurs, but also contributes to the common development of the region as a whole.
The VP affirmed that over recent years, Vietnam has made sustained efforts to improve the local investment and business environment, ensuring transparency and fairness in accessing resources and supporting policies so that firms, including those owned by veterans, can develop sustainably and actively integrate into the international economy.

She also added that the nation is committed to continuing to create favourable conditions to promote co-operation between ASEAN veteran businesses, and entrepreneurs, contributing to common efforts to build a united, self-reliant, and sustainably developed ASEAN community.

The VECONAC Business Forum is chaired by the Vietnam Veterans Association and the Association of Veterans Entrepreneurs, in co-ordination with the Singapore Veterans Federation, featuring the participation of nearly 200 delegates from 10 ASEAN member states. The forum aims to create opportunities for delegates to meet, exchange ideas and build sustainable business models for veterans in the region.

Vietnam joined the ASEAN Veterans Federation in 1992. Since joining, the nation has affirmed its important role in the ASEAN Veterans Federation through many activities and practical contributions.