Many pavements in Hanoi have deteriorated despite being paved with high-quality natural stones for just three years.

It is easy to see signs of damage on many streets in Thanh Xuan and Cau Giay districts such as Nguyen Trai and Tran Duy Hung streets.

Many pavements in Hanoi were upgraded in 2017 with natural stones. Municipal authorities claimed that the stone could last for 50 to 70 years.

The city set a target to pave 936 streets in 12 districts across the city until the end of 2020 with natural stone.

According to some residents, motorbikes often run on pavements, particularly at peak hours, which is among causes for the pavement deterioration.
Several local experts said that natural stone should be used at some certain areas of Hanoi such as the Old Quarter or pedestrian streets to save costs.