According to Dao Xuan Thuy, director of Chu Mom Ray National Park, among the spotted wildlife is the Tibetan bear, a species listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. This makes it one of the most endangered and vulnerable species facing the threat of extinction.
A bison spotted at Chu Mom Ray National Park
Camera traps have captured images of four bison, a species also listed in the IUCN Red List. Vietnamese law strictly protects these animals, prohibiting hunting or harming them.
Earlier, camera traps at Chu Mom Ray National Park recorded the reappearance of a troop of silvered langurs who last visited the park around five years ago.
Chu Mom Ray National Park covers 56,000 hectares, spanning Sa Thay and Ngoc Hoi districts bordering Laos and Cambodia. It is home to over 1,000 animal species, including 112 rare, endangered, and endemic species and hundreds of valuable tree species.