Dantri readers help save young girl's eye
  • | | November 04, 2023 01:48 PM
A four-year-old girl in the southern province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau has just had a cornea transplant surgery with support from Dantri readers.

Phan Thi Mo and her daughter Dao Quynh Anh receive the donations at Dantri's office in HCM City.

Dao Quynh Anh was taken to Dantri's office in HCM City by her mother Phan Thi Mo right after returning from Singapore where she got cornea transplant surgery.

Mo said happily that the surgery was successful and she sent her sincere thanks to the newspaper and kind donors for helping save the eye for her child.

"Thanks to financial support from kind donors, we've had enough money to cover the operation fees in Singapore," she said. "The surgery was successful, and we'll return for a final check next month."

The four-year-old girl has just had a cornea transplant surgery.

According to the mother, Quynh Anh was diagnosed with cornea cancer two years ago. Mo and her husband had brought her child to many hospitals nationwide to register for a cornea transplant. In July this year, they were informed that a hospital in Singapore had a suitable cornea for her daughter. But they were worried about the high cost of VND650 million (USD26,492) for the operation.

The young couple had spent all their savings during the two years seeking treatment for her daughter. They sought help everywhere and managed to gather around VND400 million in loans and donations from their relatives and friends.

After their story was shared on Dantri Newspaper on August 30, readers sent a total of VND 295,395,244 to the newspaper's charity fund to help cover the surgery for the little girl.

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