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Hanoians stock up on necessities as Typhoon Yagi nears
  • | | September 06, 2024 04:28 PM
Many people in Hanoi have rushed to buy food and other necessities to stockpile ahead of typhoon Yagi.

Fishmonger Nguyen Van Hanh, who has a stall at Yen Duyen Market in Hanoi’s Hoang Mai District, sold up to 200 kilos of different kinds of fish this morning, September 6, triple the average. Many other traders at the market almost sold out their products.


A pork stall at Ngoc Ha Market (Photo by Hong Hanh)

At Ngoc Ha Market in Dong Da District, pork, fish, and shrimp stalls were out of stock from early morning. Customers bought more than usual, and they did not bargain much.

Nguyen Thi Binh from Giang Vo Street in Dong Da District came to Ngoc Ha Market early this morning, but she was shocked to find that many stalls had run out of their products. Luckily, she had ordered meat the night before.

According to Pham Thu Hoai from Nam Tu Liem District, the typhoon has been forecasted to affect Hanoi. So, she and many of her neighbours went to a nearby supermarket this morning to buy meat, fish, and some dry goods in case of flooding.



Many kinds of goods are sold out very quickly at supermarkets in Hanoi.

A representative from Winmart, Thang Long, said food demand on Friday morning had risen by 350 percent compared to ordinary days.

However, the prices of goods in the markets and supermarkets in Hanoi remained mostly unchanged.

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