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Vietnam to apply stricter regulation on smokers
  • | TP, | April 18, 2013 09:03 PM
 >>  Vietnam adopts shocking pictures to discourage smokers

Vietnam to apply fines of up to VND500,000 (USD23.85) for those who smoke at wrong places beginning from May.


Smokers to face stricter regulations

As the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms will take effect on May 1, the Ministry of Health in coordination with HealthBridge Canada held a seminar on April 17 to clarify some of its regulations.

Chairmen of people’s committees at different levels, medical inspectorates, market watchdogs, police and inspectorates of ministries and branches will be authorised to fine violators.

Cigarette sale points will be required to show a sign banning children from buying cigarettes, with vendors required to ask the age of the customer prior to a sale. Underage smokers and vendors will be fined if found to have breached the regulation.

The Ministry of Health said the government would issue a decree on administrative punishments in medical sector.

As a result, a fine of from VND40-50 million (USD1,908-USD2,385) would be applied to those who produce and import cigarette without labelling or printing health warnings on the pack.

The same fine would be applied to the production of foreign cigarette brands for domestic consumption without approval from the prime minister.

A fine of from VND200,000-500,000 (USD9.54-USD23.85) would be applied to those who smoke or drop their cigarette butts in certain places.

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