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Environmental project to be implemented in VN with FK support

A national conference on air pollution control in Vietnam will be organised next year by FK Vietnam Network and VFEJ

A national conference on air pollution control in Vietnam will be organised next year by FK Vietnam Network and the Vietnam Forum of Environmental Journalist (VFEJ).
The information was released in the 5th FK Sub-Regional Network Meeting on the end of November in Hanoi, Vietnam, with the attendance of representatives of FK country networks in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos.

The Lao group, one of the four FK country network groups, is discussing on their 2009 project.

“FK would like to bring people who have similar interest together”, Mr Sacha Jotisalikorn, representative of FK, said

The projects of three remain FK country networks is Education for the Poor (Cambodia), Strengthening the Women Economic Situation in the Deep South (Thailand), and Village Modeling on Ecotourism in Had Khai Village (Laos).

Another Sub-Regional Network Meeting will be held in March, 2010, to raise proposals and review progress of each project. After that, a review meeting of whole activities will take place in November of the same year.

FK Network in Asia 2009 includes nine countries with different concerns because of different economic and social situations.

Mr Nguyen Bac Son, VFEJ’s Vice president and Ms Nguyen Thu Huong, VFEJ’s Admin Assistant, introduce themselves in the Network Meeting.

Beyond FK Sub-Regional Network (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos) as said above, the remain is Bangladesh Network focus on climate change (now interest more in the Right to Health), India Network with seminar on Fair Trade as solution to poverty, climate change and economic crisis, Sri Lanka Network with workshop on Formulating a Good Governance Framework, China Network (http://www.fkchinanetwork.org) and Nepal Network.

“There are more than 4,000 FK participants over the world until now. It’s wonderful number and we can consider it as human resources, human capital. How can we find the way to benefit that capital? FK try to fulfill that idea. It's a big world, but we're trying to make it smaller”, Mr Sacha Jotisalikorn, representative of FK, said.

Until now, there have been seven FK partners in Vietnam. Three new organisations are Norwegian Church Aid Office, Football for All in Vietnam and Center for Agricultural Extensions Volunteer.

Source: VFEJ.VN
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