  1. Environment

Sand dredging violations rampant in Phu Yen

Various wrongdoings have been revealed in the mineral exploitation activities in Phu Yen Province, especially the sand dredging activities on Da Rang River.

Various wrongdoings have been revealed in the mineral exploitation activities in Phu Yen Province, especially the sand dredging activities on Da Rang River.

Sand dredging violations rampant in Phu Yen - 1

Sand dredging violations rampant in Phu Yen

The authorities launched an investigation into 23 sand dredging firms in the area and discovered many wrongdoings.

The issues were brought to light after several complaints from the locals. Phu Yen People's Committee then asked the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to work with provincial police and related agencies to investigate the case.

Dong Xuan Co-operative does not put up the required signboard that announced their working area, installed cameras or submitted their mining plan. It is actually discovered that they had dredged 120 square metres beyond the permitted area. Dong Xuan Co-operative quickly addressed the issue and was fined VND15m (USD640) by the inspectorate from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

According to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, they had fined Huy Phu Company VND10m after discovering on September 25 that it had been dredging sand outside of the permitted area. Huy Phu Company was asked to refill the holes and return to their permitted area.

The department was asked to continue the investigation, review sand dredging and consult with the provincial authorities about sand mines that can be put up for auction. They must submit a report to Phu Yen People's Committee by the end of October.
Source: laodong,dtinews.vn
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