HCM City bridges defaced with graffiti
  • | | May 25, 2024 12:00 PM
Many bridges in HCM City have been defaced with graffiti.

Ba Son Bridge on Ton Duc Thang Street in District 1, an important gateway in the eastern part of HCM City, is covered with graffiti. The graffiti appeared on the bridge several months after being put into operation in April 2022.

The HCM City Department of Transport has installed cameras on the bridge to supervise traffic, but it was impossible to prevent the graffiti.

Anh Dao from Go Vap District said she was disappointed with the graffiti on the bridge, which is seen as the city's symbol. She said it would negatively impact tourists.


Khanh Hoi Bridge in District 1 has a similar issue. It is easy to see graffiti on the bridge. The bridge's tunnel is also full of graffiti.

Mong Bridge, a popular check-in spot for young people, has also been covered with drawings, paint and different kinds of pens.

Mong Bridge is often defaced, residents said, despite repeated efforts by the authorities to clean the graffiti up.

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