Foreign education institutions to be subjected to tighter control
  • By Hong Hanh | | January 30, 2013 10:28 AM
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The Ministry of Education and Training will intensify management over foreign education institutions across the country this year.


Foreign education institutions to face tighter regulation

The ministry made the announcement at a meeting on January 28 in Hanoi to guide the implementation of the government’s decree on foreign cooperation and investment in education.

According to the ministry, foreign partners had invested in 111 education projects in major cities, including Hanoi, HCM City, Vung Tau, Can Tho, Haiphong and Danang by the end of last year.

An official from the ministry said foreign-invested education projects during the period had been characterised by modest capital investment, with foreign partners contributing less investment compared to other sectors.

Over the past year, several foreign education institutions have violated Vietnamese regulations, including enrolling students on university level degree courses, which is currently illegal in Vietnam.   

Attention will be gradually shifted from increasing absolute student numbers, to focusing on the quality of the education provided.

The ministry also intends to call for greater domestic and foreign investment in the education sector in rural and remote areas.

The ministry has requested local authorities to step up scrutinising foreign-invested education institutions in their localities.

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