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Hanoi to plant hundreds of thousands more trees by 2025

Hanoi vice chairman Duong Duc Tuan has just issued a plan to plant over 133,000 more trees in 2023, nearly 146,000 more in 2024, and over 118,000 in 2025.

Hanoi vice chairman Duong Duc Tuan has just issued a plan to plant over 133,000 more trees in 2023, nearly 146,000 more in 2024, and over 118,000 in 2025.

Hanoi to plant hundreds of thousands more trees by 2025 - 1

A street in Hanoi

The new trees will be planted along central streets, parks and five suburban districts of Dong Anh, Gia Lam, Hoai Duc, Thanh Tri and Dan Phuong.

The trees to be planted include dracontomelon trees, orchid trees, and Madagascar almond, among others. They would be planted either for their shades or for ornamental purposes.

The plan also prioritises growing flower trees on the balconies of houses in the Old Quarter area. Local organisations and households are encouraged to decorate buildings with plants, flowers and lawns.

The capital currently has around 1.70 million trees. However, the ratio of green space to the population in the city is only two square metres per person, compared to the nine square metres per person recommended by the World Health Organisation.
Source: dtinews.vn
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