Lim festival to open with a new record
  • | VNS | February 02, 2012 05:01 AM

The Lim Festival will commence in the northern province of Bac Ninh on Saturday this week – the 13th day of the first lunar month. The festival is expected to reach the national record for the greatest number of people singing Quan Ho (a love duet) and wearing traditional clothes, according to Deputy General Secretary of the Association of Bac Ninh Quan Ho Lovers Vu Hong Duong.

The festival will be held on Lim Hill where the Lim Pagoda is dedicated to Quan Ho creator, Hieu Trung Hau. It is aimed at preserving and reviving the valuable, ancient art of love duet singing, recognised by UNESCO as part of the world's intangible cultural heritage.

About 3,000 people from provincial Quan Ho clubs are expected to participate in making the national record. The delegation will gather at Nguyen Dang Dao Senior Secondary School in Lim Town and marching to the hill to sing Quan Ho songs.

Love duets are an art form combining various elements, including music, lyrics, costumes and a unique style of singing that reflects the close relationship between the singers. The rich and diverse tunes and fine lyrics of the songs portray the zest for life and distinctive cultural features of people in the region formerly called Kinh Bac.

An array of folk games and cultural activities such as wrestling, blind man's bluff, earthenware pot breaking, cock fighting, calligraphy and bonsai showcasing will be held during the festival. 

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