Nguyen Gia Dung’s family grows 2,000 Dien pomelo trees, topping the locality.

According to Dung, this year, the weather is more favourable, so his family has seen a bumper crop of around 20,000 pomelos.

Most of his family’s grapefruit trees are roughly 20 years old and each can have 100–200 fruits.

Grapefruits are sold between VND20,000–40,000 (USD0.81–1.62), depending on different sizes. Dien pomelo can be stored up to between four and six months. The drier the fruit’s skin, the better its taste.

At this time of year, traders are rushing to buy Dien pomelo to meet the Tet demand.

The Dien pomelo is considered more delicious than other kinds of pomelos which are grown throughout Vietnam, as it has a refreshing sweet taste and long-lasting fragrance.