Joined by US Ambassador to Vietnam, Marc Knapper, Maj. Gen. Okamura presided over the official handover ceremony for the Ba Vi Humanitarian Mine Action Demolition Training Range (Ba Vi Range).

Participants at the ceremony on March 24.
“US Army Pacific has supported the Vietnam Mine Action Centre (VNMAC) demining efforts since 2016. The Ba Vi range provides VNMAC with a dedicated range to conduct crucial explosive ordnance destruction training, continue instructor development, and meet requirements on management and implementation of activities to overcome the consequences of war,” said Okamura.
“Vietnam will become increasingly able to contribute to the challenge of UXO around the world, reinforcing Vietnam’s role as a responsible and proactive member of the international community,” shared US ambassador Knapper.
The US ambassador also recognised the important work by NGO partners including Norwegian People's Aid, PeaceTrees Vietnam, Mines Advisory Group, as well the Quang Tri Mine Action Centre on carrying out this very important work.
The new Ba Vi Humanitarian Mine Action Demolition Training Range covers a total area of two hectares with an investment of USD700,000. Construction began in 2024. The training range complies with International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and is designed to develop mine action personnel for clearance operations in support of Vietnam’s National Program 504. It features a dedicated training area aligned with IMAS for handling explosive materials, conducting investigations and surveys, performing clearance operations, testing equipment, and training in demolition procedures.