Vietnamese Talents
Seventh grade student develops medical software
  • | TTXVN | May 08, 2015 08:26 AM

A seventh-grade student in the southern province of Hau Giang has developed medical software to help doctors track treatment of patients and sort through medicines, and it is being tested at the provincial Hau Giang General Hospital.


Nguyen Gia Thinh

The software, “Health For All”, was developed by Nguyen Gia Thinh from Le Quy Don Secondary School.

Thinh started writing his software a year ago, with the help of his parents, who work in the health sector, and his medical student brother. While Thinh wrote the code, his family helped source accurate information and documents to build a database.

The information was taken documents provided by the Health Ministry and such major hospitals as Bach Mai, Tu Du, Cho Ray and Viet Duc.

The software includes a general database about diseases and treatment methods, including the names and efficacy of prescription drugs, and how they react with each other.

The open-source software allows users to update information and databases.

Thinh began writing code as a fourth-grader and has won many software prizes, including one for English grammar, called "Good English 1.0".

He is planning to develop the “Health For All” software with updates of new treatment methods, and wants to make it a website.

Trinh Van Tham, of  Hau Giang General Hospital, said Thinh’s software was helping him and other doctors quickly find treatment methods and match pharmacy medicines that are not contra-indicated.


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