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Barry Bonds' judge OKs access to juror info
  • | AFP | March 15, 2011 01:08 PM

Information about prospective jurors in the upcoming perjury trial of home run king Barry Bonds will be made public, but not the jurors\' names, according to a judge.

Information about prospective jurors in the upcoming perjury trial of home run king Barry Bonds (pictured on March 1) will be made public.

US District Court Judge Susan Illston on Monday granted the requests of media outlets about the information on the detailed questionnaires that help the judge and lawyers select the jury.

But Illston said the jurors\' names will be kept confidential until the end of the trial because she\'s concerned the media and public will attempt to interact with jurors if their names are disclosed.

That kind of communication could cause a mistrial.

The trial is set to begin next Monday and is expected to last at least a fortnight, meaning it would be ongoing when the 2011 Major League Baseball season starts on March 31.

Bonds broke Hank Aaron\'s revered record for career home runs with his 756th homer in 2007. He finished with 762 homers, but polarized baseball fans who considered him a dope cheat for his links to the BALCO steroid distribution scandal.

The former San Francisco Giants star is accused of lying to a grand jury in 2003 when he said he never knowingly took performance-enhancing drugs.

Bonds has pleaded not guilty to four counts of perjury and a charge of obstructing justice.

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