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Source: tienphong, dtinews.vn

NA to tighten watch on deforestation

The National Assembly is urged to consider monitoring the forest protection activities more closely and assigning specific responsibilities to local authorities.

The National Assembly is urged to consider monitoring the forest protection activities more closely and assigning specific responsibilities to local authorities.

NA to tighten watch on deforestation - 1

No agency wanted to take responsibility for the forest

On March 16, the National Assembly Standing Committee had a meeting about the law on forest protection and development. Chief of Committee of Science, Technology and Environment Phan Xuan Dung said the regulations on renting and converting forest usage were not practical. There was a need for more detail regulation on the standards, procedures and individual responsibility about forest protection based on the current laws.

Head of the National Assembly's Defence and Security Committee, Vo Trong Viet, said policies for forest investment and exploitation were weak. People mostly take from the forest but never give back.

"In Laos, they plant one tree for every tree they chop down. In Vietnam, rare and valuable trees are all cut down and we only plant one for every 100 fallen trees. The forest is making illegal loggers rich," he said. "On the outside, the forest may look green but it's bad when you go deeper."

Viet criticised this narrow perspective and said Vietnam is having lots of rich people from destroying forests. While the forest is being destroyed, no agency wanted to take responsibility. In fact, Viet said some people had taken advantages of the regulations to covertly exploit the forest further.

Viet suggested that the government should make clear the responsibility of district and communal authorities, and issue detail policies for residents that take care of the forest and earn a living from it.

Head of the National Assembly Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children Phan Thanh Binh highlighted the urgency to protect forests and agreed that the government must assign specific responsibilities to chairmen of districts and provinces.

According to the Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, the NA will start monitoring forest protection works in the coming time, before drafting a resolution to assign human resources and afforestation goals in the next five to ten years.
Content link: https://dtinews.dantri.com.vn/environment/na-to-tighten-watch-on-deforestation-20170317154831167.htm