Hanoi schools allow students to stay home during cold weather
  • |, Tienphong | December 18, 2023 05:02 PM
Schools in Hanoi will allow elementary students to not attend school if temperatures fall below 10 degrees Celsius, while secondary school students can also stay home if the temperatures drop below seven degrees.

Hanoi schools allow students to stay home during cold weather. Illustrative photo.

In an announcement sent to local schools on Monday, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training said that schools should also be flexible with class timings if the weather is cold, but temperatures remain above the threshold.

"Schools can decide to let students attend classes later than normal in the morning," the department said. "In cases where students show up late because of the cold weather, schools should allow them to attend classes without being penalised."

Schools have also been told to review school facilities and meals to ensure warm places and food and drinks for students.

The entire northern region has been forecasted to face continuous strong cold spells in the coming days.

According to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, a new cold front will affect the northern region from December 19 with average temperatures falling to between 9 -12 degrees Celsius in low-land areas and between 5-8 degrees Celsius in mountainous localities.

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